10 Tips to Get Your Garden Ready for Spring

spring garden

Spring will be here before we know it so if your garden could do with some preparation to ensure that it’s ready for the warmer weather, take a look at our top 10 tips to get your garden ready for spring.

Cleaning tasks

There are three clear areas of attention required in your garden: cleaning, fixing and preparation. So, let’s have a look at the recommended cleaning tasks first:

1. Borders, beds, lawns and ponds

Start by gathering up all the leaves and debris trapped by winter winds and cut back any dead growth. If your soil is loose, cover it with manure or other rotting organic matter. However, always remember to consider your garden’s wildlife, as some of these jobs may need to wait a little longer into the early spring.

2. Greenhouse

Give your greenhouse a good sweep and thorough wash inside and out. Do it as early as possible to give the disinfectant time to do its work to make sure no pests or diseases are going to affect your new plant growth. It’s also important to wash all your recycled plant pots and seed trays. And don’t forget to ventilate the greenhouse for a few days before starting your new projects.

3. Tools

Take a good look at your tools to see if any need replacing. Make sure they’re free from last year’s soil and foliage, and that they’re sharp and free from rust.

Fixing Tasks

4. Fences, gates, trellis and shed

These jobs are always better done early in the year as when things start growing, it can make it almost impossible to paint or apply preservatives. Once these jobs are done, you’ll start to feel that things are taking shape and that you’re almost ready to enjoy your garden.

5. Water butts and irrigation

Clean water butts now to ensure you catch the early season rainfall. This is not only good for the environment but it’s also beneficial for your more delicate plants and shrubs that struggle to flourish with tap water.

6. Compost Area

If you have one get the area tidied and set. If you don’t have a compost area, it’s a good idea to try and set one up. Once established, you’ll need to air your compost every month with a fork.

7. Pests

Now is a good time to hunt out hibernating aphides, slugs and snails, as it will save you a lot of trouble later. You’ll find them in the crowns of your perennials and in old pots. Watch out for the weevil larvae too; they are white and tend to harbour in old compost.

Preparation tasks

8. Move deciduous shrubs

Move the shrubs and other hedge plants that you thought were in a poor position last year, but try to do this on a still day. Taking care of the root system, dig up the plant before repositioning it at the same height. Don’t forget to water well afterwards.

9. Sow seeds that have a longer season

It’s time to sow seeds such as geraniums, begonias, peppers, and aubergines, although you’ll probably need to start them off in a heated propagator.

10. Order your summer flowering seeds and bulbs

And finally, it’s time to mull over those colourful catalogues and plan your displays for late spring and summer.

While it may take some time to clean, fix and prepare your garden in preparation for spring, you can look forward to reaping the benefits of all your hard work.