
Helping with your ACRES requirements

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ACRES (Agri-Climate Rural Environment Scheme) is Ireland’s new agri-environment climate scheme proposed as part of Ireland’s draft CAP Strategic Plan. This new €1.5 billion flagship agri-environment scheme will be a farmer-friendly scheme to help address biodiversity decline while delivering an income support for up to 50,000 farm families in Ireland. supports the scheme and is qualified to support the following initiatives promoted under the scheme. You can learn more about qualifying details and conditions for payment in each section by clicking below.

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Riparian buffer strips or zones-grass can only be created adjacent to small streams, surface drains, rivers, lakes or ponds. It is recommended that they should be targeted to areas on the farm identified in the EPA Pollution Impact Potential-Phosphorus (PIP-P) maps as high risk (Rank 1-3) and verified on the ground as a flow delivery point or pathway for surface runoff to an adjacent watercourse.

Yes, partial watercourse allowed but Where a Riparian buffer strip or Riparian Buffer zone - SP is being created along an OSi Water line and/or a Water single stream line in a parcel, bovines are not permitted to access the watercourse at other locations in the parcel (drinking points are not permitted).

The farmer selecting the 1.5 m Buffer strip must fence off and additional 1.5m to any mandatory baseline requirements to be eligible for payment in ACRES.

Yes, if it meets the specifications for ACRES.

The Riparian buffer strip width is measured from the top of the bank or the edge of the existing vegetation (if scrub or hedge is present) into the field.

Yes, but the riparian buffer margin must be fenced and there must also be an additional fence outside the new hedgerow. One fence cannot be used for 2 actions

  • REPS? Only if they are suitable hedges
  • AEOS? Only if they are suitable hedges
  • GLAS? Only if they are suitable hedges
  • REAP? No, these hedges would not be suitable

No, however you can split the parcel and select Winter Bird Food Split parcel in one part of the parcel and Tree planting in the remaining split parcel.