Traditional Orchard

The GLAS Scheme will pay 23.50 per tree, per year for 5 years for 10 fruit trees which are planted and maintained properly.

The GLAS Specification (PDF) offers the following summary table and requirements table

Max Payable Units in GLAS
Completion deadline
Payment Rate
Traditional Orchards
0.05ha /10 trees
0.05ha /10 trees
31st March 2017

Requirements from the GLAS Specification

  • Plant 10 trees in the dormant season (October to March) before the 31st March 2017.
  • This action be completed on a full LPIS parcel. LPIS parcel must be marked on the map submitted.
  • The minimum area is 0.05 ha and trees must be spaced with a radius of 7 metres apart.
  • Choose varieties from Appendix 5. (approx. 70 common varieties are listed in App. 5).
  • Trees must be supported with a suitable stake and secured with a suitable tie.
  • Trees must be protected from livestock and the orchard fenced off. However, grazing with sheep is permitted provided that no damage is caused to the trees. If damage is being caused by rabbits/hares, measures to prevent further damage must be taken by the erection of a rabbit-proof fence.
  • Failed or dead trees must be replaced during the next planting season.
  • Pesticides are not permitted, except for spot treatment of noxious and invasive weeds.